Collection: Rooted Dahlia Cuttings

Cutting Inventory will be updated in April, 2024. Stay tuned, and sign up for our email list if you want to be notified once they're live!

Rooted cuttings are the "happy medium" between a potted dahlia plant and a tuber.  Our cuttings are taken from healthy tubers using sanitized equipment, then rooted in a spongy rooting cube.  The cube is plantable in-ground or in a pot (we recommend fabric pots if container gardening!), or even in a temporary seedling pot to establish better before being planted in warmer weather. 


  • Smaller, so it's shippable
  • No tuber attached, so it won't rot easily
  • Easy to transplant
  • Can be established inside before potting outside 
  • Will produce tubers and blooms the same year, just like tubers!